Schützenzug Birkeshöhe
est. 1972
Horrido Schützen,
nachdem unsere Birkeshöhner einen klasse Auftakt mit unserm Zugsong hingelegt haben, findet ihr jetzt auch unsere Antretezeiten und Marschrouten auf unserer Seite und der Schützenfest App.
Seid dabei und lasst uns ein unvergessliches Schütenfest feiern.
Wir sehen uns auf unserer Nachbarschaftsfeier am 02.08.2024 auf dem Platz hinter der Musikschule!!!
The Birkeshöh rifle squad founded in 1972
A rifle platoon with a common passion
Here you can find out many interesting things about the Birkeshöh
and the Meinerzhagener Schützenfest, which we enthusiastically look forward to every two years.
The board of directors of the Schützenzug Birkeshöh wishes you a lot of fun browsing and looks forward to seeing you again soon!
After a few short meetings it was clear that they were on the way to creating something special, which led to our 50th anniversary of our Schützenzug this year and is now deeply anchored in the roots of the Meinerzhagener Schützenfest.
News & updates
The essential things
Stay up to date on the latest developments relating to our Schützenzug.
Here you will find the most important articles about our Birkeshöh rifle squad, founded in 1972: from important announcements to upcoming events.
Dates up to the Schützenfest
- 03/11/2022:
General Assembly SGM, Stadthalle, 2G+ applies
- 04/02/2022, 4 p.m. :
General assembly Schützenzug Birkeshöhe
- 04.06.2022, from 3 p.m.:
Jubilee festival Schützenzug Birekshöh on the old school square
- 05.08.2022, from 6 p.m.:
Neighborhood celebration at the old school square
- 06.08-08.08.2022:
Schützenfest Meinerzhagen
Our current royal couple Thorsten and Christine
Our royal couple is enjoying the time and has been reigning for almost 4 years. Corona makes it possible